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This page is designed for those seeking to be enlightened about LOVE. Not in the relationship format or love between man and woman, but the pure essence of LOVE. Learning to LOVE without reciprocation is the aim of pure LOVE.  No matter what a person does to you, they can never change how you feel about them. It is my prayer that as you journey with me, as we open the discussion about real LOVE around the world, and how to obtain a pureness not obtained by many. Feel free to leave a comment as we value your opinion of LOVE.


Do You LOVE Me or Like Me?

Updated: Jul 27, 2018

Happy New Year! I endeavor to speak on love and its effect on our everyday life. It has been my experience in research that the wrong type of love has led to improper romantic relationships, friendships, work relationships, and health.


I believe that people are secretly being killed for the lack of love. Take for instance, the information I took from an article titled, “What is love? The research project seeks a scientific answer,” the research states that your health can be affected by not having the right kind of love. An excerpt from the article states this,

Anna Faul and Joe D'Ambrosio's current research project attempts to quantify compassionate love — which they define as "other-centered" love. Unlike romantic love, compassionate love involves giving what another person needs without expectation of getting something back.

"People are very interested in what it means to say you love another person," D'Ambrosio said. "Our overarching goal is to help people understand what it means to love another....

Other researchers have found that compassion has health benefits — researchers from UCLA and the University of North Carolina discovered that people who find their lives meaningful have lower rates of cellular inflammation, which is associated with diseases and cancer.

"The research is showing people who are more compassionate lead healthier lives," D'Ambrosio said.” (

In my opinion, this research deals with compassionate love versus non-compassionate people. I feel people misconstrue love for simply being compassionate to one another. While compassion for another may play a roll, it is not the end all feeling.

Now, I do not feel like I am an expert on relationships, the topic has intrigued me for a long time. My purpose for taking on this journey is so, we all come to a better understanding of what love really mean to us. Not the physical mindset of love but the pure nature of it. The pure essence or nature without reciprocal human emotion. Is this possible you ask? I believe that answer is yes. In doing my research, I have realized love means different things to us all. Regardless, of your socioeconomic status or social background, your background on the subject of love has been shaped by family and friends.

In an interview with dated August 1, 2012, the R&B singer Musiq Soul-child shares some insight on the topic. In this interview, Musiq is sharing the basis for his book titled “143-Love according to Musiq.” He goes on to share from his book that he “tried to bridge the gap between the fantasy and the reality of love.” He also wrote a very popular song called love in 2000. Some of the lyrics are shared below:

"Love So many things I've got to tell you But I'm afraid I don't know how Cause there's a possibility You'll look at me differently Love Ever since the first moment I spoke your name From then on I knew that by you being in my life Things were destined to change cause......Love"

I don’t know about you but, it is my belief Musiq was on to something. By personifying the word love, he expressed the disrespect of most humans as it relates to its use. I believe we all have at some point misused the word, and not fully expressed with understanding the significance of how to articulate our feelings in love. Some people say they "love" when they really "like." Ask yourself or your neighbor, if you are reading this in church... Do you really love your spouse, friend or do you just like them? If its negative, you may need to keep that to yourself and work on your feelings towards that person. I believe some of you have said you love when you really like; A LOT!

Perhaps you are a person that say, love is expressed during intercourse or physical intimacy; this is not real love either. One may have intimacy in sharing their love, it is not the ingredient for real love. I am sure you and others would argue that there are different levels of love; I say yes there is different levels of love. Yet, to others who do not know at all, it is my hope that as you follow this journey with me, that we both grow a greater understanding and appreciation for those we say, “I love you” too. I plead with you to help me start a movement. To spread real love through out the world.

So, you may ask, what is real love? Real love is considered in some circles a core Christian value. Christian love is called “agape” love which means unmerited favor. In other words, there is nothing the other person can do for your love. When you decide to love another person or “agape” them, you are saying in spite of the wrong or right they may do to you; you will love them with your everything. I know that is a hard pill to swallow for most of us but this is the real kind of love.

As I share many examples this year through my blog, I hope you will share your thoughts with me. It is my desire to help people get over depression, feeling lonely and thoughts of suicide for a greater cause. The greater cause would be to help us gather a greater understanding of love without reciprocation. As we help one another, we may have one less misunderstood soul walking the earth saying something in the name of love but really meaning they like. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Until next time, Later!

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