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This page is designed for those seeking to be enlightened about LOVE. Not in the relationship format or love between man and woman, but the pure essence of LOVE. Learning to LOVE without reciprocation is the aim of pure LOVE.  No matter what a person does to you, they can never change how you feel about them. It is my prayer that as you journey with me, as we open the discussion about real LOVE around the world, and how to obtain a pureness not obtained by many. Feel free to leave a comment as we value your opinion of LOVE.



Updated: Jul 27, 2018

As a teen you can remember, late night phone calls as a teenager, whispering to that young lady or man under the cover because you know your momma told you to get in the bed and go your butt to sleep because you had school the next morning!

Of course, both of you were too sleepy to even talk; so you would continue to ask each other; "are you sleep?" and your reply would be, "no, I'm not sleep but I'm sleepy." How funny and silly we were at a very young age; practically snoring in each other's ear trying to stay up with the one that makes our heart flutter. Well, it is my belief that you can experience love young or old; whether you agree with me or not, real love has no age.

How often have you experienced FAKE LOVE? Let us pause and think; some of us a litter longer than others because it has been a while since we were young. When you were in love as a teenager, it was called "puppy love." The scene of a young boy holding the books of a girl he is head-over-heels crazy about or a young lady wearing the high school letter jacket of a popular young man she has a strong affection towards; were signs of love when we were young. A guy would dare not let a girl wear his letterman without her being considered his girlfriend; you were basically married!

The day of "puppy love" is long gone. These days as some adolescents get older, we tend to lose all that innocence of love that was experienced while we were young and "Fake Love" takes over. Guys start acting like their "Akeem Joffer" from the African nation of Zamunda played by the famous comedian/actor Eddie Murphy in the fictional film "Coming to America" who travels to America looking for a bride to marry, however; his father believes Akeem is really in America to sew his "royal oats." While this is a fictional depiction portrayed in the movie, it is a very real story played out in the lives of many men and shockingly women today.

A wide variety of people today share in fake love because it is about what the other can do for me. I love you enough until I am no longer emotionally, physically or sexually satisfied. When the other persons in a relationship can no longer satisfy the original reason intended on them being together, it's on to the next. Then you ask the person that want out of the relationship what happened to the relationship? The response, "I fell out of love with them." Laugh-Out-Loud!!! They fell out of love! No, the reality has you only perpetuating a fraud. You, my friend, were and have become the definition of Fake Love. Some of us are falling in and out of love too often.

The reality is not that we seek Fake Love, I believe that Fake Love is ingrained in some of us as a youth distorting the innocence we have as a child. Many are mangled by unhappy adults that were given passed down garbage and continuing a cycle of unhealthy teachings which causes unhealthy family relationships. Just like racism, bigotry, and hate are taught; Fake love is taught. We live in a generation of Fake relationships which produce rotten fruit. Single-parent homes, multiple love partners which produce whores are remnants of people being hurt with harden hearts. Broken-hearted people only produce more broken-hearted people. You cheat on a person that never cheats, sometimes turns that person into a cheat.

Some advice, if you are suffering from continuous broken-relationships whether from a love-one or friend; please seek help. Continuously staying on a path of broken relationships only leads to unhappiness or even worse, depression. Learning to first love yourself is a great first step. I once had a friend ask me, "why do I keep putting myself in a position to get hurt?" My response, "Because you have not changed the cycle of your circle." The point: Change your relationship partner. Maybe the person you are attracted too may not be the person that is healthy for you in a relationship. If you want love, love the one who loves you first without you doing a thing. Let someone show you how much they love you before you distort it by showering them with your gifts, love and time; even worse sex. Close your legs or keep your pants zipped and maybe you can find your king or queen from Zamunda.

Something to think about...until next time, Later!

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