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This page is designed for those seeking to be enlightened about LOVE. Not in the relationship format or love between man and woman, but the pure essence of LOVE. Learning to LOVE without reciprocation is the aim of pure LOVE.  No matter what a person does to you, they can never change how you feel about them. It is my prayer that as you journey with me, as we open the discussion about real LOVE around the world, and how to obtain a pureness not obtained by many. Feel free to leave a comment as we value your opinion of LOVE.


These Three Words

Updated: Jul 27, 2018

When was the last time, you told the one that means the most in your life; I LOVE YOU? The very talented Stevie Wonder released the song, "These Three Words" on the soundtrack from the movie "Jungle Fever." A very touching depiction of love from someone that cannot physically see. The funny thing is the cliché, "love is blind." I would say, in the case of Mr. Stevie Wonder; it is not! His love is shown through his music. People that can see, go about their day never seeing and more importantly; overlooking the one that loves them the most.
How often have you looked at your significant other and thought, do they really love me? Would they lay down their life for me? Are they willing to give me the last piece of chicken? Wow! I know some of you are laughing, however, people think like this and are selfish on a continuous basis.
The month of February is generally set aside for Valentine's Day! A day set aside for the celebration of love. Yet, every year, some relationships become stronger and some very broken or non-existent. No flowers, candy or back-rubs. I have listened to countless stories from women and men; complaining about what the other has not done. Another love day celebration wasted. These three words "I Love You" ironically get lost in the type of gift, flowers or sex (or not) received on Valentine's Day.
People today, plan a quiet romantic dinner for Valentine's Day. For those that are married, they spend time trying to keep the magic happening. Finding new and spontaneous things to do in a short period of time.  This can become very daunting at times.  The short period of time is due to realizing while at work, juggling the kids and still trying to find "me-time" that you have not thought about Valentine's Day. Time for the mad rush to the store or online shop for flowers.  Now, this does not mean you love your significant other any less, However, if you are a man or woman and you have forgotten to plan that special romantic occasion; you will probably be sleeping with the dog that night. One might say, if this happens to a man, then the man may need to continue staying with the dog because his significant other did not love him to begin with. She may have loved because of what that person could financially or sexually do for them.  Yet, it can be an honest feeling, that she just did not feel appreciated enough.
Let me just say this, people, love should not be measured by the gift given to you, rather the love shown 364 days a year. Now, there are some God-forsaken, ungrateful women and men out there that do not appreciate anything their significant other does for them. For these type of woman, they may not deserve anything. On the contrary, woman that love their man or woman in spite of the mistakes they continue to make; should be adored.
In the end, love should never be measured by the things from the earth. Real love can never be bought or sold. Mary J. Blige made a song called "Real Love." She said, "I'm searching for a real love, someone to set her heart free, real love…" we should all desire to have our heart set free. Hardly feeling bound by the mistrust of a lover. Being able to just live without being falsely accused of simple everyday life decisions.
Valentine's Day has ended and passed, if you broke up with your man or woman based on what they did or did not do, you may need to check your love. Sometimes, the best person to love is not the most handsome or beautiful person, they may not be the best cook or house cleaner, and some may cringe when I say this; they may not be the best lover in bed. Nonetheless, they are the best protector, genuine, trusting person that worship the ground you walk on a person you know. Ultimately, they have your back, no matter what! My friends that type of love can never be bought. Check yourself and your love for the people you say these three words too; I LOVE YOU.
Until next time, Later!
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