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This page is designed for those seeking to be enlightened about LOVE. Not in the relationship format or love between man and woman, but the pure essence of LOVE. Learning to LOVE without reciprocation is the aim of pure LOVE.  No matter what a person does to you, they can never change how you feel about them. It is my prayer that as you journey with me, as we open the discussion about real LOVE around the world, and how to obtain a pureness not obtained by many. Feel free to leave a comment as we value your opinion of LOVE.


Understanding LOVE

Updated: Jul 27, 2018

Is there really an understanding of the word Love? Christians say that "…God is Love" (1 John 4:8). The world's view says love is a feeling of affection towards someone or something. Ultimately, one must contend with the notion that most people really do not have a clue about what love is today. Why does love exist?

This blog will discuss the nature of love and its correlation in society today. I believe pure love is an emotion that is misunderstood. My thinking is formulated by today's divorce rate, the bigotry portrayed by society and racism being displayed in an era where it should not exist.

Love today affect our relationship with our future lovers, friendships, and even our work relationship. Love today is based on what the other person we choose to enter into this relationship with can do for us. Well if this is true, then we must pose another question; why is there so much hate, bigotry or racism? Most cannot answer this question because our knowledge of love is shaped by how our maternal or foster parents treated us; our background knowledge. The hate, bigotry or racism is not derived from pure love rather, a learned behavior based on our moral character imparted and shaped by our upbringing.

Yet, there is a deeper question we must ask; is love really something pure or is it a figment of our imagination? Truly, I believe that love is real for everyone who wants it. It is not imagined. After all, if love did not exist then we as humans or animals could not describe or feel a nature that is non-existent to the naked eye. In spite of not being able to see love or talk to love, love does exist because our heart touches our moral compass. This moral compass alerts the brain to comprehend a good or bad feeling in our heart.

Furthermore, if you have love in your life now, in the past or future, you know when something is good or bad to you. Many have and will experience this emotion provided they are willing to receive it. To love, I believe is a choice. However, we cannot make the mistake of loving another human being based on what they can do for us. Some may say that their first experience with love came from their parents. Others contend they received love from past friends, coaches or teachers.

It is important to realize your understanding of love was shaped by your upbringing as a child. Now whether this was a positive environment for you or negative; it is vital we understand love helped our need for human growth and development. An anonymous author once said,

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."

It is ourselves that we first learn to love and thus understand love. Loving who we are and not beating ourselves up for our flaws, will be the first step to understanding pure, real love. If you are reading this blog, let me know your thoughts. Do you feel we understand the true essence of what love is in our life? Whether you agree with the thoughts expressed in this blog or not, most can agree that we all yearn for real love. The queen of hip-hop R&B soul, Mary J Blige sang it best, "real love, I'm searching for a real love." Maybe we need to stop searching and learn to first love first. Talk to me and let me know your thoughts.


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