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This page is designed for those seeking to be enlightened about LOVE. Not in the relationship format or love between man and woman, but the pure essence of LOVE. Learning to LOVE without reciprocation is the aim of pure LOVE.  No matter what a person does to you, they can never change how you feel about them. It is my prayer that as you journey with me, as we open the discussion about real LOVE around the world, and how to obtain a pureness not obtained by many. Feel free to leave a comment as we value your opinion of LOVE.



Updated: Jul 27, 2018


This is my very first post and I want to welcome you to my personal blog page. I will be sharing my thoughts on love, relationships and coaching tips on how you can obtain true love that relates to having happiness not centered on a person or object.

Frequently, I speak with woman and men alike asking the question, is there any real lovers today. The answer to that question is an undoubtedly yes! Remarkably many do not know how to love themselves first. I am a husband, father, educator, and coach; indeed in my roles, I must learn to love myself first. In fact, I believe it is important to love yourself before you can say or express love to someone else.

Otherwise, what will happen when those people hurt you in the name of love? Generally, most will crumble and begin to hate the person. This may possibly lead to bad attitudes and a lackluster love life in future relationships. Surprisingly, many are fighting in the name of love when they need to learn more about themselves. So when hurt or disappointment arise from another human being, we know how to handle it without going off the deep end and sitting in front of the televisions eating bonbons and stuffing our face with ice cream.

So welcome! I look forward to hearing from you all as we take a journey learning and teaching each other about the Agape kind of love. Love you all!


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